Archaeologists refuse to exit "Tutankhamun" from Egypt
Kahlawy: monuments abroad are being squandered and forgery
Noureddine: Japan wants Tutankhamun because they gave us a loan Museum
Archaeological exhibitions around the world and one of the things that contribute to attract tourism and provide hard currency, but most countries are cloning artifacts for display in other countries, without prejudice to machining the original to preserve it, and this has raised the announcement of the exhibit Tutankhamun in Japan a lot of boredom and anger among archaeologists and those interested in the effects, especially that the exhibition will continue for a year.
Has been approved by management of the Supreme Council for Atharvy its headed by Dr. Mamdouh El Damaty Minister impacts on request from Japan to host the exhibition traces of ancient Egyptian titled "Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs" in the period from September until October 2015, and explained Damati during the meeting that the number of segments scheduled display an artifact worth 124 Insurance 771 000 400 thousand dollars, and is estimated to yield $ 10 million in addition to $ 2 on each ticket entry, and 10% of the value of sales models effects "cloned", which will be displayed on the sidelines of the exhibition.
For his part, Dr. Mohamed Kahlawy president of the Federation archaeologist Arabs "that all opponents to establish this exhibition speak in favor of the effects, and we have to prevent the exit impact to the outside, because they are exposed to danger, waste and humiliation and forgery, can not neglect the cultural property and civilization, which is unprecedented in the world.
He added that it could happen to Tutankhamun as happened to the poppy and others, and should learn from the lesson.
Said Kahlawy: I am the leader of the opposition to get out the effects of Egypt to display anywhere, and we have to protect our heritage, and if they wanted the money can be effects that bring the money here and not go out of the country, and do not sell our capabilities for the money, and wanted to watch monuments him to come to Egypt, and everyone respect that.
Said Dr. Abdel Halim Noureddine chairman of the effects previously: I'm OK, of course, on the exhibition and exit of Tutankhamen of Egypt, and Japan want an exhibition of Tutankhamen because they gave us a loan to contribute to the establishment of the Egyptian Museum's new $ 35 million.
Noordin and wondered: an exhibition of Tutankhamen in Japan will interview cam? 5 million?! , Entered the Suez Canal this in one day, and we are not in need of these funds.
He stressed that he should not be out any rare piece of Egypt, and if there was a minister did so before it should not be repeated, and after the revolution of January we turned it down because it was stolen many of the artifacts, and can not leave monuments happening to her something or crushed, and I am with opponents so hard and I do not set out with Tutankhamen of Egypt
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